Tuesday 20 July 2010

Haven't posted since May !!!

So its been a good while since I have posted. I am enjoying my job (but want more hours lol) and had an amazing vacation in Myrtle Beach the week of the 4th. I went with Casey's dad, step-mom, brother and sister. It was such a good time. :) The past few days though have brought me to a cross roads of sorts. I still have so many thoughts running through my mind, and so many small decisions to make that will lead to some not so small changes here soon. I also have a few new or "renewed" goals that I have set for myself. First I want to be a better girlfriend to Casey, big sister to Jacob, friend to my amazing and wonderful friends, daughter to my parents, and granddaughter and niece to my amazing family I miss back home.
I want to be a size 4 by the time I go back to school in late August. I want more hours at work so I can save more money. I NEED to finish my FAFSA like yesterday. Casey and I would love to move across town into a friends apartment and share rent. It is a nice two bedroom town house set up and it would be quite economical as soon as I reach one of my other goals, get my bank situation taken care of.
On a lighter note, all this evening the things that keep flashing on my TV screen make me laugh and realize how stupid media is getting today lmao.