Monday 9 August 2010

Summer is almost over :(

With summer's end quickly approaching there is a lot on my mind. Like my need to finish picking classes and stop being such a damn procrastinator. I also feel like a failure for not going home to Indiana to see my family the entire summer. It's mildly depressing.
I cannot wait to wear sweaters. I hate the cold, but I love the fall. Football season, back yard ball, and bonfires are all in my future and I cannot wait.
In all seriousness though, I have had the weirdest moods. Not bad moods but moods where I feel like if you gave me something creative or type A to do I would bring you back something epic. That feeling where you are thinking of one specific song all day but you don't know what it is because you have 9000 others swimming around in there right along with it LOL.
I miss hanging with my friends. We all went to Chris and Amanda's place last night, good times and pictures. You know, the usual. Billy and Rowan came with us too so it was a lot of fun.
We have to take Dusty home Tuesday though. That kind of blows.
Just another reminder that school is almost here. I love getting organized for school too, so my pent up energy will soon be put to good use.
Anyways work is wearing me out mucho bad so I am Audi 3000.